1/10Truck Tires and Inserts 2.2inch - Click on part for more information

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1/10 Truck Tires and Inserts 2.8inch - Click on part for more information

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1/10 Truck Tires and Inserts 3.2inch - Click on part for more information

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1/10 Truck Wheels 12mm Hex 2.2inch - Click on part for more information

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1/10 Truck Wheels 12mm Hex 2.8inch - Click on part for more information

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1/10 Truck Wheels 14mm Hex 3.2inch - Click on part for more information

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1/10 Truck Wheels 2WD Front 2.2inch - Click on part for more information

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1/10 Truck Mounted Tires 14mm Hex 2.8inch - Click on part for more information

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