Show Discontinued Kits

#101922 - HPI Nitro Starter Pack (UK 3-Pin)

Discontinued, replacement part: #110605

Everything you need to get your nitro car with pull start engine started:

- Fuel bottle for easy and safe filling up
- Philips and flat screw driver for easy repairs
- Small and large universal wrenches for all nut sizes and glow plugs
- glow igniter with strong 1800mAh NiMH rechargeable battery
- 3-pin UK overnight charger for the glow igniter

This genuine HPI quality accessory is the perfect accessory all HPI Nitro Cars.

It is also suitable for Roto Start-equipped cars. All you have to add is a 7.2V stick pack and charger to power the Roto Start system.

Discontinued Unfortunately, the part that you require is an older part which has been discontinued and therefore no longer available from HPI Racing. There may still be old stock available, please check with your local distributor for local retailer and stock information.

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