My Car Will Not Start, What Can I Do?
In the first instance we would suggest watching the getting started guide for your engine type:
Big Block - Here
or Small Block - Here
Restart the setup procedure, just to make sure you have not missed anything.Once you have checked you are following the correct starting procedure then you should ensure that your car's engine is set to it's factory base settings. You should find these in the instruction manual provided with your car.
If this fails to resolve your issue then you can contact either your local Model shop or your local Distributor for further help and advice.
My Engine Stalls When I Remove The Glow Starter
There are one of two possible problems:
1) The glowplug may require replacement. You can find details of the glowplugs that HPI have available on the website.
2) Your engine may be set too rich - try returning the engine to it's base settings as shown in the instruction manual and beginning the tuning process again.
My Nitro Car Stalls When I Apply The Brake
It sounds like your idle speed is set too low. Try turning theidle screw 1/2 turn clockwise and start the engine of your car with the wheels off the ground. You can use your instruction manual to help identify the idle screw if you are unsure where to find it.
Next, apply the brakes on your transmitter and start turning the idle screw slowly anti-clockwise until the engine stalls. Once you have reached this point, turn the idle screw 1/8 turn clockwise again.
When set correctly the car should sit at a standstill when the engine is idling. You may find that on a brand new car the idle has to be set slightly higher so that the car does not stall. This is acceptable provided the car is not moving quicker than walking pace. You should be able to reduce the idle speed after a few more tanks of fuel.
Can I Trade In My Rc Car For Another Car?
I'm sorry but HPI does not offer any exchanges on this basis. Some model shops may offer a trade-in, but in practise most will not. Why not sell the car privately to a friend to help finance your next dream RC car?
What's The Best Way To Stop A Nitro Engine ?
There are several methods of stopping your engine; the easiest is to use a rag pressed over the tip of your engine's exhaust. Be very careful when doing this, the exhaust on your car is likely to be hot, especially if it is made of metal!
You can also pinch the fuel line running from the fuel tank tothe engine until the engine stalls. It is recommended that you do this with the car's wheels off the floor; as the fuel runs out the engine revs will increase before the engine stalls.
If you have an HPI Savage you can also use the optional Engine Stop System with your car - this is compatible with all of the Savage series except the XL.
How Do I Run In An Engine Properly?
Your car is supplied with a comprehensive instruction manual. We recommend that you follow the guidelines given to help ensure that your engine has the best possible mix of life and performance.
You can also watch the getting started guide for your engine type:
Big Block - Here
or Small Block - HereIf you need a copy of the instuctions for your car then you can download them from the HPI Racing website!
What Does A Slipper Clutch Do?
A slipper clutch is a device that fits on or near the spur gear,and helps absorb "drivetrain shock" that occurs when a car lands from a jump. A slipper clutch also helps aid traction in slippery conditions, since it acts as a mechanical way to limit the power that reaches the drivetrain.
How Long Does A Tank Of Fuel Last?
The runtime for a tank of fuel can vary depending on the conditions that the car is being used in, but it will typically be between 10 and 15 minutes per tank on most nitro cars. Don't forget that you can refuel with the engine still running so you can enjoy the car for longer periods without stopping!
When your car is new and the engine is still tight and set very rich it's normal for the car to use more fuel, but once the breakin process is complete then this will improve.
What Is, And How Do I Use After Run Oil?
Nitro engine fuel can absorb moisture and of course moisture is destructive to the inside of a nitro engine. Coating the internal engine parts in after run oil keeps out moisture and keeps the engine’s components in the best possible condition.
To apply after run oil first remove the glow plug. All that is needed is a few drops of after run oil into the glow plug hole in the top of the engine and a few drops into the air intake of the carburettor. Turn the engine over a few times by hand and replace the glow plug. If the engine is to be left for some time then it is worth making sure that the exhaust and air intake holes are blocked to keep out moisture and dirt.
Where Can I Buy The Products On Your Site?
We are a manufacturer and trade only distributor, so unfortunately you will not be able to purchase parts directly from us.
You can use the shop finder facility here to find a local stockist who will be able to supply you with the parts that you need. In the event that the shop does not have the part in stock then they should be able to order it for you - If the parts you need are in stock at HPI then they should be available to them within 2-3 days!
What Fuel Should I Use?
The type of fuel that you require will depend on the engine that is fitted into your car - we would suggest either 16% Nitro or 20% Nitro fuels for small block (.12-.18) engines and 20% Nitro or 25% Nitro fuels for big block (.21-.36) engines.
We always run our cars on the fuels that we distribute and find them to run reliably, have easy tuning characteristics and provide a long engine life so we wouldn't hesitate to recommend that you also use them in your car. Your local model shop will also be happy to advise on other fuels that they have available that suit your requirements.
For the petrol powered cars that we offer you should use unleaded fuel mixed with a good quality two stroke oil at a 25:1 ratio.
Can I Fit A Rotostart To My Pullstart Car?
Yes you can - use the table here to identify which parts you need
Don't forget you'll also need a charger and a battery pack to complete the conversion! Why Does The One Way Bearing Fail?
The One Way Bearing is normally very reliable and will only fail in the event that it's over-loaded. This is normally caused by attempting to start the engine whilst it's flooded.
If the Rotostart jams or the Pullstart becomes difficult to pull then you can remove the glowplug and clear the engine. The engine should then be easier to turn over.
If you follow the above steps then your One Way Bearing will thank you!
Why Do My Spur Gears Keep Stripping?
Stripping a spur gear (a flat spot on the plastic gear that turns the drive train of the car) is normally caused by the pinion gear not having the correct mesh with the spur gear and/or a possible loose motor or engine screws.
Make sure your gear mesh is set correctly as per the Instruction manual. Make sure your Motor screws/Engine mounting bolts are tight and thread locked if needed.
What Is A Failsafe?
A failsafe is a small electronic box that plugs into the throttle channel of your receiver, then your throttle/brake servo plugs into the fail safe. They are usually mounted into the radio box of a car.
A correctly set fail safe will return the throttle/brake servo on your car to a position that you have pre-set in the event of the transmitter or receiver batteries being flat, or the car being affected by interference. We advise that this position should be approximately 50% brakes for a nitro car, and neutral for an electric car. This will allow the car to come to a controlled stop.
Many of the newer cars are supplied with a 2.4GHz radio system which have a failsafe built into the receiver. Many are for signal loss only and a low voltage failsafe would still be recommended. Full instructions for setting these up should be in the instruction manual for your model.
I Have A Part That Is Broken, What Should I Do?
All of our product lines undergo stringent quality checks during both the design and the manufacturing process. In the unlikely event that you do have a part that is either faulty or missing then please contact either your local Model shop or your local Distributor for further help and advice, who will be able to liase with our team on your behalf.
If you have broken a part of your car in use then you can purchase any spares you need from your local Model shop. You can use the exploded diagram in the back of your instruction manual to identify the part numbers for any items you may need.
How Long Does Battery Charging Take?
The amount of time it takes to charge a battery pack varies. Each battery has a "milliampere capacity", this is the number printed on the package (1400, 1500, 1700, 2000, 2400, 3000,etc.). The higher the number, the more power the battery holds and the longer it takes to charge the battery. Also, battery chargers can charge at different "amp rates", or power output, so a battery that can charge at 6 amps will charge a particular battery faster than a charger that is charging up that same battery at 4 amps.
Some of the more powerful electric models use a Lithium Polymeror LiPo battery - these must be charged using a compatible charger, and we'd always advise charging the batteries in line with their manufacturers recommendations. It's also advisable to use a LiPo safe charging bag when charging LiPo batteries.
If you wanted to calculate how long your battery will take to charge you would need to divide the Capacity of the battery by the Charge Current. For example an 1800mAh battery charged on a charger with a 300mA output (typical RTR charger) will take 1800/300 =6 Hours. Another example if you are using a fast charger like the Reactor 500 you can up the Charge Current to 3.6A which turns that into 1800/3600 = 0.5 hours. Again please follow the Batteries Manufacturers recommendations for charging your battery!
How Should I Maintain My Car?
You can find many tips on maintenance and cleaning on our tutorial section on www.hpiracing.com which answers questions for electric, petrol and nitro car owners.
You can also refer to your instruction manual for more specific manintanence instructions relating to your car.
What Is The Difference Between Nitro And Petrol Rc Cars?
Petrol powered RC cars run on normal petrol mixed with 2-stroke oil.
These cars are usually large 1/5th scale models powered by an engine that is similar to a lawn mower engine but optimized for RC cars.Nitro models run on special Model Nitro fuel and cannot be run on normal petrol. Model Nitro fuel is widely available in model shops.
Nitro powered cars are the most common kind of RC cars with a combustion engine, and are available in a variety of different scales. How Much Are Spare Parts?
You can find the spare parts listing for your car by finding the car on this website and then clicking on the 'Standard Parts' option. Alternatively you can enter the item part number in the quick search box at the top of the page.
You can then contact your local model shop who will be happy to let you know the price of the parts you need.
What Is A Glow Plug Igniter?
A glow plug igniter is a battery-powered spring-loaded tube that fits over the glow plug of an engine to heat up the glow plug until it is red-hot (usually 2-3 seconds is all it takes). With fuel in the carburettor, the pull starter is pulled or the starter box engages the flywheel. If the engine is tuned properly, it will start right up. Every R/C nitro engine needs a glow plug igniter to start.
My Engine Revs But The Car Doesn't Move!
It's likely that your slipper clutch is loose. The slipper clutch is a torque limiting device that is intended to reduce stress on the drivetrain of your car.
Please see your instruction manual for details of setting up the slipper clutch.
If your slipper clutch is set correctly and the car is still not moving then it's likely that there is a problem with your clutch. Please refer to the instuction manual for your car for full details on how to service and maintain your clutch.
Can You Fix My Car For Me?
Unfortunately we don't offer a repair service ourselves,although your local model shop may be able to help you.
In many cases the repair that you need to carry out will be quite simple, and it will be quicker, cheaper and more rewarding for you to carry out the work yourself. We're always happy to offer help or advice if you get stuck too, although all cars and most parts are supplied with comprehensive instructions.
I've Seen The Cars Jumping On Your Website, How Do I Do That Without Breaking Them?
The easy answer to this one is practice! We'd suggest you start off with small jumps until you are confident you can control the car in flight and land it cleanly. Once you've mastered this then you can progress to larger jumps. Don't over-estimate what you can manage though, remember that the drivers you see on our videos all have many years of experience driving these cars. Trying to copy them straight away may result in damage to your car.
Once you have your car in the air you can use the throttle to control it; appying more throttle will make the rear wheels of the car drop, while applying the brake will cause the front wheels to drop. It's better to try and land the car on all four wheels at the same time where possible, to minimise the risk of damage to the car.
Help! I Need Some Instructions For My Car!
The instruction manuals for most of our cars and accesories are available for download - just find which model you have and the instructions download will be underneath the picture!
Can I Race My Car?
Yes you can! Most clubs in the UK are affiliated to the BRCA(British Radio Car Association) who list clubs and the classes that they race on their website.
You can also ask at your local model shop to see if they know of any local clubs. You'll probably find that many of the staff race themselves and will be happy to offer help and advice.
Where Is My Nearest Model Shop?
You can use our shop search facilty here to find a local modelshop who sells our products.
What Pullstart Fits My Car?
You can use this chart to help you identify which Pullstart, Rotostart and One Way Bearing fits your car
I Have A Car That's Now Been Discontinued - Can I Still Get Parts For It?
We aim to keep parts for our cars available for at least two years after the car has been discontinued, although in many cases parts will continue to be available for much longer than that.
Where possible we will always try to suggest an alternative to any part that has been discontinued, or any other option parts that may be suitable.
Unfortunately if we list a part as discontinued and list no alternative it means that we have no more stock of the part and have no more available to us, so would not be able to supply it. Some of our stockists may still have the parts in stock though, so we'd suggest searching for the part on Google or Ebay to see if you can obtain the part that way.
Hpi Also Distribute Maverick - Does This Have The Same Warranty?
HPI cars are supplied with an industry leading two year warranty, while the lower priced Maverick range have the more usual 90 day warranty supplied with the car.
Maverick users still have access to the same experienced technical support that is available to HPI users though, so feel free to get in contact with your local Maverick distributor for any help or advice you might need.
Do I Need To Keep The Till Receipt?
In a word - yes! In order to make any claim against your warranty your distributor will ask for you to provide a copy of your purchase receipt, so we'd suggest keeping it in a safe place after you've purchased the car.
What Does The Warranty Cover?
All HPI cars are supplied with a two year component and labour warranty against any failures that happen as a result of a manufacturing or a design defect.
If you feel that you've experienced a premature failure of apart please contact either the shop that you have purchased your car from or our distributor in the country that the car was purchased from. If you need help identifying the distributor then you can find them here
Once you've been in contact with your distributor they will be happy to let you know what they can do to help resolve your problem.
If you'd like further information on our warranty then you can obtain a copy of the warranty document supplied with all HPI cars here.
My Aerial Tube Is Too Long For The Aerial Wire?
During the refresh all HPI cars were updated and are now provided with a 2.4GHz radio. These radio systems have much shorter antenna wires than the standard 27MHz radios that were used before. The Antenna tube provided with your model still caters for the 27MHz radio therefore it is much longer than it needs to be. To resolve this all you need to do is to cut the tube so its a perfect fit for the wire. A perfect fit would be a couple of millimeters shorter than wire so it hangs over a little. This is then protected by the antenna cap.
How Fast Do They Go And For How Long?
- Normally RC cars will run for an around 10-15 mins depending on
how hard you run the car.
For Instructions on how long to charge your battery please follow the 'How Long Does Battery Charging Take?' question.
How Do I Bind My 2.4ghz Transmitter To My Receiver?
Binding Radio Gear
1.Make sure everything is switched off
2. Hold 'Bind' button down on the Transmitter whilst turning the Transmitter on.
3. When the light on the Transmitter flashes release 'Bind' switch.
4. Hold the 'Bind' button down on the Receiver whilst turning on the Receiver. The LED will flash on the Receiver.
5. If there is no interference after 5 seconds the pair will be bound.
1. Make sure both the Receiver and Transmitter are in the EU mode or France mode if you are in France.
2. Make sure everything is turned off and are placed close together.
3. Turn the Transmitter on.
4. Hold down the 'Set up' button on the Receiver whilst powering up the Receiver, either by using a switch or plugging in the battery.
5. Press the 'Bind' button on the Transmitter untill the LED on the Receiver is continuously lit.
6. These should now be bound.
Maverick MTX-242
1. Turn the Receiver on.
2. Press the 'Bind' button on the Receiver until the LED on the Receiver flashes.
3.Turn on the Transmitter.
4.The LED on the Receiver will become solid and complete the binding process.