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#80558 - HPI RF-10 RECEIVER (FM 27MHz/3ch)

Crystal is not included (Compatible with Futaba Crystals)/Onboard Failsafe/For SF Servo


Genuine HPI quality spare part for easy maintenance and repairs. High quality 27mHz FM 3-channel receiver. The FM radio signal keeps out interference that can affect AM radios. Features failsafe operation to prevent 'runaway' cars! Use with #80553 - HPI TF-10 TRANSMITTER (3ch / FM27MHz)

Must be used with 27mHz FM radio crystals: #80651 CRYSTAL SET (BROWN BAND 1/FM 26.995MHz) #80652 CRYSTAL SET (RED BAND 2/FM 27.045MHz) #80653 CRYSTAL SET (ORANGE BAND 3/FM 27.095MHz) #80654 CRYSTAL SET (YELLOW BAND 4/FM 27.145MHz) #80655 CRYSTAL SET (GREEN BAND 5/FM 27.195MHz) #80656 CRYSTAL SET (BLUE BAND 6/FM 27.255MHz) FM radio sets can be installed in any RC car or truck for reduced interference compared to AM radio sets, however you will need to purchase an FM transmitter, FM receiver and at least one set of FM crystals.

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